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by Cancer Mentor
(Beverley Hills, CA)

Glynutrients is made from mannose and other opens the cell receptors on each cell and lets in also established cell to cell communication.....the body then begins to heal.

Trillions of cells is what we are. Many of the foods needed to keep our bodies at peak performance are missing, especially the 10 day vine ripened process and the cruciferous vegetables that have been on the earth and dinosaurs ate them. Cut open a bell pepper or sweet pepper and look at that kind of fiber. Broccoli and brussel sprouts. Green leafy are it. Gabbage is a great healer. Our bodies recognizes natural foods and supplements with the proper response to follow. Our bodies do not know what to do with synthetic....cancer is crazy out of control growth of cells.
White flour, white sugar, white salt, and cooking fat has helped close the receptor cells. Most processed foods have all the nutrients taken out in the processing and about 0 nutrition. How was the good and where was the food grown.....needs to be part of everyday thinking. What can I eat today to feed my cells so they thrive....partner with your body.....and turns back on the autoimmune system. Co Q10 and lipid acid and acetyl-L-cartine, along with vitamin C is considered by the Linus Pauling Institute for good cell health.

Chronic Fatigue also needs detoxification and so does chron's disease. High whole grains, brown rice, ground flax seeds and oil in cottage cheese or yogurt. 3 TBS a day.
To heal naturally takes a commitment to assist your body to do well.
Staying on glyconutrients takes a monthly automated order.

Go to my website for any information, especially about Cancer. Cancer can be defeated by choosing the right foods, anti oxidants, and mirco and glyconutrients and Vitamin C each day. Chemotherapy works better with detoxifying micronutrients. Every day and several times a day. Cranberries starve Cancer cells. We have come a long way, baby. Out running toxins. You can grow parsley on your front porch. A tsp of parsley with beverages also puts oxygen in the blood stream.

Not enough science......10 Nobel Prize Winners have won for biochemistry and glycochemistry. Clinical studies also exist. If you want to get well then keep eating the right foods.

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